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april 2020
Saturday April 18: Live Crypto Trading Webinar: Create your own Automatic Trading System within a few clicks
The bullet is through the church: Finally we managed to create an own Day Trading Strategy with BeeTrader based on BTC Futures on Deribit.
Meer weten »Crypto Trading Webinar Create your own Automatic Trading System within a few clicks
Recently, we hosted a webinar about Automatic Trading with Bee Trader. We managed to create an own Day Trading Strategy based on BTC Futures on Deribit. Create and automate your own Trading Strategy within a few clicks: Click, Set and Cleared to Take-Off on the Autopilot. Trades will be done automatically on Deribit. In case you missed that Webinar, we invite you to join us again on Monday April 20, 20:00 hrs in which you are able to ask question in…
Meer weten »mei 2020
beeTrader Mastermind Group Crypto and FX Trading via Deribit & TWS MeXeM
Recently, we hosted a webinar about automated Trading with beeTrader. We noticed a very hugh interest in this system. Deribit and TWS (Interactive Brokers, Lynx, MeXeM) and BinckBank can be connected to beeTrader to trade on 'autopilot'. If you would like to try this out, we offer you a free trial via this link: https://www.beetrader.eu/beetrader-demo-request/?lang=en We also created a special Mastermind beeTrader Group where we discuss and share our insights. We host every monday a Zoom-meeting and if you would like…
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