Digital Currency DCEP by China Central Bank

On the evening of April 14, the DCEP, which was the digital currency issued by central bank, came forth. Some screenshots were fiercely spread on online social platform like Wechat and Weibo, saying that Agricultural Bank of China is conducting internal testing of the central bank’s digital currency DCEP. Here are the screenshots:Hengjin Cai, chief scientist of everiToken, Reviewed the strategic significance of the national digital currency, and said: “The Belt and Road Initiative may become the point of implementation of the China digital currency system.
Future currencies will have four characteristics: Credit- Based, certain inflation, a mechanism to make wealth flow to the bottom, and a multi-currency composition. We should grasp historical opportunities, promote future-oriented digital currencies, and achieve a successful result in this global financial reconstruction. “

Release Newly Mainnet version of 4.3.0 ;– Optimize memory usage;
— Fix one bug in network;
— Research on the new storage design;
II. Other Development
— Added Binance Dex Tx verification screen;
— Added view to show list of validators;
— Added view to add a validator;
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