As Ambassador of everiToken, CryptoAcademy and B.O.T. Technology (incubator for Blockchain Start-ups) we’d like to invite you to our the free Monthly community meetup on Friday 24th of May (19:00 hrs – 20:30 hrs) at TQ in Amsterdam. Every attendee receives everiToken Airdrop (free tokens) and the winner of the Kahoot-game receives even much more!!!

An AMA session with everiToken CEO/Co-Founder Brady Luo will be hosted and another speaker (TBA). Also there will be Kahoot Game and an Airdrop. Every attendee will receive the Airdrop and the winner of the game will receive the most!
You can secure your spot via this link at Eventbrite:
Only 15 tickets are available. Come to network and have fun!
Kind regards,
Jan Robert Schutte, +31650746210
Website: CryptoAcademy
E-mail: info@cryptoacademy
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